Galway Hockey Club

Swan League 2021

29 July 2021

We are delighted to announce the return of the Galway Hockey Club end of season Swan League.  If you haven't heard of the Swan League - then ask all our club members, current and past, and they will tell you.  For a lot of us, it's the highlight of the season.  The League will take place over four weekends of  Friday nights and or Saturday mornings from 14th August with the finals day set for Saturday 4th. We plan a really special day for the finals. 

The league is made up of 6 teams with players from the current men and ladies senior teams, vetaran teams, our Under 16 girls and our over 12 junior boys.  And of course a goalkeeper.  No standards are required.  Swan league has a habit of levelling even the most talented of players.  But the emphasis throughout the games is FUN FUN FUN.

If you are interested in playing in the tournement, than register in the link here  or through the clubforce app.  The cost of entry is €10 which will include the team's t-shirt.  To be eligible to play, you only need to be a current or past member of Galway Hockey Club, as once a member, always a member.  But register soon as places are limited and teams will be filled on a first come first served basis.  Where we have extra players - a subs list will be created.


Hennelly Finance, supported by Irish Life Health will be this year's proud sponsors.

Hennelly Finance are expert financial advisors and can assist you in reviewing your current health insurance cover or finding you health insurance cover that suits your lifestyle. Irish Life Health help people lead healthier lives and have many health insurance plans that can help you support your lifestyle. Visit Hennelly Finance on Facebook during the month of July and August for the chance to win a Fitbit! Contact Hennelly Finance on 091 670123 for more information on health insurance today or visit their website




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